The Publicly owned Triangle lot at the intersection of Jones Station Rd and College Parkway where the Mago Vista Sign stands is the property of Anne Arundel County and is maintained by the Mago Vista Area Civic Association.
Because of this, we seek an annual Landscaping proposal from local landscaping companies. Bids should be submitted to magovista.md@gmail.com. No person on the board of directors having a conflict of interest will have access to the bids themselves once the bidders are identified.
The following line items are required for the annual contract:
Mowing every 2 weeks for total of 18 cuts: Triangle, Median strip along Jones Station, right of way between mulch and sidewalk along Campus Green side of Jones Station to College Parkway On-Ramp, area along sidewalk on Jones Station from Campus Green to Wexford Sign.
Weed Eating/Edging - at least every month for a total of 6 times: edges around mowing area, sidewalk from College Parkway to Wexford Sign along Jones Station Rd.
Mulch - 1 time in Mulch bed
Weed - 2 times in mulch bed
Trim Holly Trees - 2 times all year.
Clean up all trimming and blow sidewalk after each cut.
Cutting tall grasses at the end of the fall season.
Optional services may include:
replacing or removing tall grasses from mulch bed
Optional services should be a separate bid.
A decision should be made on the lowest bid by April 5th of each year. All contact and payment information, Certificate of Insurance and Certificate of Good Standing from Department of Assessments and Taxation should be sent to magovista.md@gmail.com with your bid or within 5 days of your company's award of the contract.
First services, including mowing, is expected by April 15th. Biweekly services may be schedule at the convenience of the contractor after that date.
Payments will be made via check after each service. Advance payments for material purchases can be arranged.
*Companies who's owners are residents of the Mago Vista Area as outlined on this website will be granted a 2% price preference (their bid may be equal to or as much as 2% higher than the competitor's bids). Address and verification of 51% or more ownership is required with bid.*
We strive to collect a minimum of 3 bids every year.